The Greatest Reward?
Triumphant Victorious Reminder Early this morning, my Bible app lit up the dark room as I listened to the audio from Luke 10. While listening, a sudden gentle whisper divinely interrupted with this question, "At the end of your life on this earth, if you realized there was no reward for all the good you did for others - would you still do good?" With this question, there was a quietness of spirit when I suddenly saw what seemed like a movie scene play out in front of was the image of a woman clothed in humility, quietly speaking to the Lord while on her knees. Her head bent low as tears streamed, whispering with a raspy voice, "Lord, You are the greatest reward." I was in awe of her knowing of God's love. Realizing that question only revealed her heart of gratitude to her Jesus. There was no question that she didn't do good to soothe her ego or conscious; but it was from a place of holy gratitude. Her good works were done from a place of worshipful...